Starfields and FS would not be possible without the generosity of our sponsors.

We want to thank our past and present sponsors, who have provided invaluable support to our organization and to our charitable partners.


We strive to partner with companies in a variety of sectors. Pursuing our sustainable mission, we want to develop relationships with organisations that are similarly environmentally conscious. We value both monetary and product donations and work with each of our sponsors to tailor the partnership to your company’s needs.

In exchange, we offer a range of benefits, such as logo placement, social media coverage, naming rights, or a feature on our blog . If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for Starfields and/or FS, we would love to hear from you. Download our sponsorship prospectus to learn more about our partnership opportunities and benefits.




Starfields and FS are both highlights of the St Andrews social calendar. As our partner, you will have unique access to the 2,500 guests we host at Starfields, and the 1,700 guests we host at FS. This access is a great opportunity to market your brand.

As our partner, you will also benefit from exposure to a global audience. The St Andrews community is a diverse, sophisticated body of worldly young adults, representing 140 countries across approximately 9,000 students.

The majority of our student body are Gen Z, who alone will comprise 40% of the global market by 2020. Our sponsors are guaranteed visibility amongst the next generation of consumers.

We see ourselves as ambassadors of our sponsors on campus, and we are committed to ensuring a long term and mutually beneficial partnership between our organisations. Our goal is to make your brand a staple on campus.