Meet the FS2022 Charitable Partners


FS and Charity: New Initiatives

Charity is, and always has been, at the heart of FS. Since its creation in 1992, FS strives to keep charity at the forefront of its initiatives year after year. 

This year we celebrate fifty years of FS. Fifty years of creativity, inclusivity, self-expression, and, most importantly, supporting our charitable partners through the spread of information and charitable donations. 

Over the last eighteen months the spread of COVID-19 shut down many parts of the world, which forced FS to re-examine how we connect with our international audiences and our charitable partners. Our reflections on the effects of the pandemic, and the fifty-year anniversary of FS, have prompted us to do something unprecedented in FS history... For the first time, we have decided to not only continue supporting our charitable partner from FS2021, FearFree, but also introduce a second charitable partner, The Joshua Nolan Foundation.

Domestic Violence and Mental Health

Although national restrictions have slowly been easing around the world, the effects of the pandemic have left a more permanent mark on the world and continue to affect millions of people. In particular, situations involving mental health and domestic abuse have been, and continue to be, impacted, which prompted us at FS to partner with organizations that tackle both these issues. We have also set the goal of utilizing our talented committee, at the moment the largest in FS history, to help our partners through hands-on initiatives to support their cause.  

Applications opened on July 26th and closed on August 8th. During that time we received many fantastic applications and were grateful to all those organizations who applied. 

Re-Introducing FearFree

As a result of the pandemic, the number of domestic abuse cases in the UK has risen exponentially. The numerous lockdown measures have meant that vulnerable individuals are repeatedly isolating with their abusers, unable to escape or safely access their support networks. Therefore, we have decided to continue our partnership with FearFree. 

With networks all around Scotland - in Aberdeen; Aberdeenshire; East Lothian; Edinburgh (main base); Glasgow; Midlothian, and West Lothian -  FearFree is the only recognized face-to-face support service offering aid for male and LGBTQI+ victims of domestic abuse. 

FearFree was created because it is essential to recognise that domestic abuse can exist in every type of relationship, and that every story is valid and deserves to be listened to. Although male violence against women is more prevalent, often the needs of male and LGBTQI+ victims differ from those of cis women in heterosexual relationships. FearFree also helps dispel preconceptions about domestic abuse in LGBQT+ relationships through spreading awareness. Each case is unique, and dependent on different life experiences.

FearFree provides many services for those in need, which include safety planning, mentoring and emotional support. They aim to help and protect those affected by domestic abuse by assigning them a dedicated face-to-face advisor, who carries out a full needs risk assessment and serves as their point of contact. This way, each person’s specific needs are prioritised, and the support is directly tailored to their individual experience. More importantly, everyone feels like they are heard. 

FearFree is a confidential and safe space, providing non-judgemental responses that victims can trust. It helps victims escape their abusers, enabling them to build new lives free from the threat of abuse and violence. In 2019-2020, 93% of all FearFree service users gained an outcome improvement. 

Introducing The Joshua Nolan Foundation

Suicide is the biggest killer in men between 20 and 49, with 2 people taking their own lives every day in Scotland. In the UK in 2014, 6,188 people took their own life, this is one death every 90 minutes. The Joshua Nolan Foundation (JNF) aims to reduce this number by providing counseling with therapists trained in suicide prevention. 

JNF provides much-needed funding for people of all ages and backgrounds who are struggling with mental health issues. Based in Edinburgh & the Lothians, JNF provides access to expert counselling and therapy to those who are at risk of, or have been impacted by, suicide. Its founder, Laura Nolan, set up the charity in 2014 after losing her son Josh to suicide. Laura found that little to no support was available to her after the tragic death of her son and had to wait 18 months to see a counselor. Having experienced this, she wanted to find a way to support others who have lost someone to suicide, and also provide a safe place to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

JNF believes that every suicide is preventable. They work with people of all ages and backgrounds providing support, education, and raising awareness. The bulk of donations to the charity go towards providing financial help for the cost of therapy - if unemployed, the entirety of the cost is covered.

Many mental health services in the UK are overwhelmed with calls, now more than ever before, with waiting lists of up to a year. JNF prides itself on being accessible, with the majority of their service users having their first appointment within a week of enquiring. Each of their counselors are expertly trained in a range of different areas, with specialisms including working with the LGBTQ+ community, bereavement, and childhood trauma. 

A huge part of JNF is raising awareness. This is done through partnerships with trained practitioners to run workshops and talks at schools and universities. As well as this, donations are used to run meaningful and targeted campaigns, giving people a better understanding of the cause and raising awareness of the vital services on offer. JNF believes that anyone can feel suicidal, so they are determined to spread their reach and expand into more areas of Scotland, and to diversify their team of counsellors. 

Final Remarks

Both FearFree and The Joshua Nolan Foundation are such inspiring organizations and we are extremely honored and proud to be partnering with them for FS2022!

Social Media Links

Fear Free 





Brands Supporting COVID-19 Relief Efforts